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The Anti-Candida Complex is a powerful blend of plant extracts and chitin synthesis inhibitors. It is an antifungal supplement.
Key points:
Eliminates systemic Candida and other fungal infections from the body.
Supports gut, skin, and joint health.
Helps maintain a healthy yeast and fungal balance.
Promotes healthy detoxification and body cleansing.
Supports the immune system.
Contains a blend of plant extracts.
Suggested use:
- Adults take 2-4 capsules daily with a fatty meal according to the cleansing protocol.
- Not intended for children or pregnant women.

Health benefits

How many courses are needed for complete recovery?
Please note an important point. If you are on a cleansing course and your symptoms have externally disappeared and no longer manifest in any way, it does not mean that the body has completely defeated the fungus. For complete normalization of health and to eliminate the risk of "relapses" and even minor recurrences of fungal infections, depending on the initial severity of your symptoms, we recommend undergoing 2 or 3 consecutive courses and maintaining an antifungal diet for a longer period.
2nd-3rd stages of infection: 2 consecutive courses. 
4th-5th stages of infection: 3 consecutive courses.
Heal your gut and give your body a fresh start!
«Anti-Candida» is a unique blend of chitin synthesis inhibitors and plant extracts that, in addition to destroying fungal flora, has a powerful antioxidant effect on the body. The course restores gut health and supports the correct fungal-yeast balance by eradicating pathogenic flora.
The Anti-Candida course helps to:
- Restore a healthy microflora balance by expelling pathogenic flora. 
- Improve the functioning of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract. 
- Restore proper nutrient absorption by the intestines. 
- Conduct a full detox and cleanse your body.
As a result, you will be able to:
Get rid of problems caused by systemic Candida infection and other fungi.
Overcome cravings for sugar and other harmful foods. Reevaluate your habits.
Cleanse your body, finally shedding excess weight and toxins. Improve sleep quality.
Shed "ballast" from your body, resulting in released energy and a desire to act and create.
Feel fresh and clear-minded. Improve your mood and stress resilience.
Experience an evolution in your mindset, changing your attitude towards yourself and the world. You will want to achieve more.
Develop a skill in choosing food and awareness of what is good and bad for you.

Composition of Anti-Candida

1. Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor Blend in Equal Parts:
Chitinase enzyme 99% (food grade) — 5% 
Diflubenzuron 98% (pharmaceutical grade) — 5% 
Cyromazine 98% (pharmaceutical grade) — 5% 
Lufenuron 98% (pharmaceutical grade) — 5%
An inhibitor is a general term for substances that suppress or delay physiological and physicochemical (mainly enzymatic) processes. Chitinase is the main chitin synthesis inhibitor, widespread in the plant world. It provides the natural immunity of all coniferous trees, protecting them from fungi and parasites. Other inhibitors are chemically extracted using modern technologies. Essentially, they all serve the function of depopulating microorganisms that contain chitin.
2. Concentrated Plant Extract Blend:
- Grapefruit seed extract powder 20:1 (16%) 
- Bearberry leaf extract powder 20:1 (13%) 
- Barberry root extract powder 20:1 (13%) 
- Lemongrass extract powder 20:1 (8%) 
- Licorice root extract powder 10:1 (8%) 
- Oregano leaf extract powder 20:1 (8%) 
- Cinnamon bark extract powder 20:1 (8%) 
- Garlic extract powder 20:1 (3%) 
- Olive leaf extract powder 20:1 (3%)
This formula is developed and manufactured by custom order for the organization “Body Balance Clinic”.

How to use?

The supplement is taken in doses calculated based on body weight:
From 25-30 to 40 kg = 2 capsules per day 
From 40-45 to 55 kg = 3 capsules per day 
From 55-60 kg and above = 4 capsules per day
The basic cleansing course is designed for 48 days.
48 дневный курс очищения от грибков Кандида состоит из 4-х этапов.
The 48-day Candida Cleansing Course consists of 4 stages.
Each stage is designed for 5 days of taking the supplement followed by 7 days of rest. On intake days, take 1 capsule with a fatty meal.
All 4+ stages follow one after the other. To ensure the effectiveness of the course, it is not recommended to separate the stages or take breaks between them.
Throughout the entire course, the recommended diet must be followed.

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84 € 96 €

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84 € 96 €

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69 € 81 €

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66 € 78 €

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